
Our Mission

EVCA proactively engages in legislation, regulations, and incentive programs for California, Oregon, and Washington to grow the EV and EV charging markets.


We engage in a wide array of policies, including but not limited to:

Technology standards related to interoperability, payment, reliability, and roaming

Local permitting

Promoting equitable access to EVs and charging

Inclusive incentive program design


Stayed a proposed regulation to collect public charging session data, preventing an increase in soft costs.


Secured longer phase-in timelines for charging companies to comply with payment and metrology regulations.


Passed AB 1100 (Kamlager, 2019) to ensure charging installation does not conflict with parking minimums.

Helped pass the California Clean Miles Standard (SB 1014, 2018) to electrify rideshare vehicles.


Supported the reauthorization of the Clean Transportation Program, securing 11 years of ongoing resources for EV charging infrastructure.


Supported SB 123 (Skinner, 2023) to realign California’s EVSE payment standards with the National EV Infrastructure Program (NEVI). 


Halted Assembly Bill 1349 (Irwin, 2023) in the  legislative process, which would have required charging networks to provide real-time data on charging stations to third parties free of charge. 


Halted Assembly Bill 591 (Gabriel, 2023) in the legislative process, which would have arbitrarily extended the life of CHAdeMO connectors in the state despite the market’s intention to phase them out.


Created a more inclusive National EV Infrastructure Plan by eliminating a mandate to install 350 kW chargers.

Secured amendments to Senate Bill 582 (Lieber, 2023) to create oversight on training programs for EVSE installation and to prevent a single training program from having a monopoly. 


Defeated House Bill 1831 (Bronoske, 2022), which would have created a monopoly for EV charging installation training for all public charging.


Ensured roaming and interoperability regulations refrain from specifying versions of software to give companies more flexibility.


Ensured the state’s Clean Fuels Program financially incentivizes EV charging investments by enabling charging providers to directly earn credits.